596 Bellevue Rd. Atwater, CA 95301



For most up to date events please visit my facebook page

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum
July 16-19, August 20-23, and September 24-27, 2015

Eric attended UCLA Aesthetic Continuum, a twelve days post-graduate course with the emphasis on latest techniques to create beautiful smiles.

Beauty is subjective and nature might not be perfect. What happens when beautiful teeth are perceived as unnatural? We will definitely have a discussion when we are working on multiple crowns on your front teeth.

This course improves how I see things. At the same time, photos are so important for us to see. So don't be surprised if we take some photos of your teeth.

Perio Champion!
$25 Starbucks gift certificate for the champ.
On going, champion every month
*Perio is short form of periodontal or gum

Leann checks our probing depths each time. If you show significant improvement with your probing depth and gum, you will be entered in a drawing at the end of the month. When you have been flossing everyday, brushing twice a day, maintaining good oral hygiene, the probing depth changes from 5-6mm without flossing to 2-3mm which is healthy.
It is not easy to change our habit (flossing, flosser, interproximal brush, brusing twice a day, etc.) Work with us to stay healthy. The technic works. So, besides healthier gum, now you can enjoy Starbucks or Target $25 giftcard too.

Thank you for all the thank you notes and gifts. They are posted at the board on the right when you walk into the back office.

Donation to Children's Miracle Network Hospital
May, 2015

Donation to Children's Miracle Network Hospital.
Great store. Great cause. Great way to bring myself and the team out. We look great.

CDA Cares at Sacramento
March 27th, 2015

Wearing the Atwater Family Dental labcoat because I was freezing at five in the morning. Treating people who camped outside. Seeing wave after wave of people. Someone cried after getting her dentures after twenty years without teeth.

You do not have to be a dentist or work in a dental field to volunteer.
Come join me at the next event: CDA Cares Fresno Oct 2-3, 2015.

Eric K. Cheung D.D.S.

596 Bellevue Rd.
Atwater, CA 95301


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