596 Bellevue Rd. Atwater, CA 95301


List of Procedures

Preventive Care
Probing depths/measuring the pocket depths
Deep Cleaning
Oral Cancer Exam
Night Guard
Anti-Snoring Device
Tooth Whitening
Tooth Color Filling
Root Canal Treatment
Emergency appointment
Partial, stayplate, valplast, immediate dentures, dentures
Oral Conscious Sedation

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Choose Eric, for all your dental needs. Schedule your next dental appointment now.
Give us a call today, you deserve it, 209.358.0800
(Best time to reach us: 9am to 1pm, 2pm-4:30pm Monday to Thursday)

Or text us at 209.358.0800

fill in your information and we will call you to schedule your next appointment.

Preventive Care
Preventive care and good oral hygiene are our main focus. Eric performs the dental exam, cosmetic dentistry such as tooth whitening, tooth color fillings, porcelain crowns and veneers, dental implant restorations, and also professional cleaning, night guard, anti-snoring device, root canal treatment, extraction, partial and complete dentures.


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A standard prophy or a professional cleaning is generally done above and slightly below the gumline. Harmful bacteria gather together around the gumline to form the biofilm or plaque. A cleaning is to disrupt the bacteria and the biofilm to keep cavity and gum disease away.

There are couple steps in the professional cleaning appointment.

Polish is the first step to remove any loose and some attached bacteria or plaque from the tooth surface and also aids in stain removal.

Next step is to floss under the gumline to remove more bacteria and plaque.

An ultrasonic cleaning device uses water spray and vibration to finish removing plaque and the hard deposits called tartar or calculus. Tartar is calcified plaque and will not come off with brushing or flossing.

Then light hand scaling smooths the teeth. Always we will review your oral hygiene and help find ways to fine tune your home care to get the wanted results on your gum, your mouth and your body.

Here is a short video about gingivitis


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When there is just too much tartar buildup for us to do our exam, debridement is performed to clean enough so Eric can do his exam. It is an additional procedure to cleaning, so it is not very common and only if you need it.

Here is a video about debridement


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Probing depths/measuring the pocket depths

During your exam at Atwater Family Dental, besides checking your teeth, soft tissues, head and neck area, your gum will also be examined too. Probing or measuring the pocket depths gives a blueprint of how your gums are attaching to the roots of your teeth.

Imagine your tooth as a castle and the gums are the moat around the castle. The deeper the moat, the more things could stay there, the more infected and unhealthy your gums are. Also, moat is not filled with lava at peace time. Similarly, healthy gum does not bleed. Healthy pocket depths range from 2-3 millimeters without bleeding while probing the pockets.

Pocket depths greater than 3 millimeters can shrink after a proper professional along with daily flossing prior to brushing twice daily. This healing and regeneration depends on the severity of the infection. Gum disease ranges from gingivitis to severe gum disease where considerable bone is lost due to the chronic inflammation and infection eating away the supporting bone. Without bone, the tooth will come off.

Let's watch a short video about Probing


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Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is officially called Scaling and Root Planning (S/RP). Using the pocket depths measurement as a guide to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar buildup underneath the gumline. Anesthesia is generally used to around the gum tissue to make you comfortable. The ultrasonic machine is used to go deep into the pocket to remove the hard deposits of tartar.

Next special design hand instruments are used in the deep pockets to make the roots smooth. Then an antimicrobial solution irrigation kills bacteria chemically.

After the visit, you are in charge of your home care and will be seen and re-measured every three months. When your pockets improve or reduce to 2-3 millimeters, the cleaning appointment will go back to every 6 months. However, if your pockets do not improve and your gum stays inflamed or gets worse, Dr. Eric will recommend sending you to the periodontist, the gum specialist, for an evaluation when gum surgery will likely need to be done.

Please spend the time on home care to prevent gum disease and get treatment early so the disease does not progress.

Here is a video about gum disease or periodontal disease

Here is a video about deep cleaning


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Oral Cancer Exam
At each exam, Eric check the soft tissues in your mouth, tongue, and glands for abnormal tissues and screen for oral cancer. Please let us know if you have any blister or sore that does not go away.

Oral cancer risk factors are not limited to smoking and drinking any more.

One of the fastest cancer group is caused by the HPV or Human Papilloma Virus could cause oral cancer. Oral HPV is about three times more common in men than in women. Each year about 8400 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer that is caused by HPV.

The signs may include persistent sore throat, earaches, hoarseness, enlarged lymph nodes, pain when swalloing, and unexplained weigh loss while some people have no signs or symptoms.

Oral HPV is relatively new, so there is no testing or no vaccine. The point is everybody could be at risk of cancer.


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Night Guard
After years of grinding and clenching, your teeth are wearing away. Rather than grinding on your teeth or crowns, grind on the night guard. It is a lot cheaper to replace the night guard than your teeth.

Here is a video about tooth wear


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Mouthguard or sports guard is very important for any athletes.


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Anti-Snoring Device
Snoring could annoy your significant other. This is different than sleep apnea appliance. Sleep apnea is when someone stops breathing when that person sleeps. Wearing an anti-snoring device will not prevent sleep apnea.


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Tooth Whitening
Atwater Family Dental makes customized take-home teeth whitening tray for you. You can control the degree of color change. Keep the trays for touch ups or next whitening treatment.

Here is a video regarding bleaching tray


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Tooth Color Filling or composite filling or bonding
When the cavity reaches dentin, we have to take out the cavity. If the size is small, we fill it up with a filling. There is the controversial silver filling that has mercury alloy. I do not remove silver fillings just because of mercury. If the filling starts breaking down, if the patient thinks they are ugly, I change them into tooth color filling.

Here is a short video about tooth color filling on your front tooth

Here is a short video about tooth color filling on your back tooth

Take a look at this video about filling versus crown. When you need a filling, don't wait too long or it will turn into a crown which costs 3 or 4 times as much.


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Veneer is used to enhance smile without taking away a lot of tooth structure. With advances in bonding, veneer is getting thinner and more predictable. Planning is the key.

Here is a video about veneer


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If you want to save as much tooth structure, inlay and onlay are partial coverage crown to preserve and replace tooth structure. Your oral hygiene needs to be excellent. Otherwise, cavity can happen elsewhere on that tooth.

Here is a video about inlay or onlay


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Crown or cap
If the cavity is too big to hold a filling, crown is used to cover the whole tooth. Crown is also used to wrap around fractured teeth and hold them together.

Here is a short video about crown


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Bridge is a method to replace one or more missing teeth. The two adjacent teeth are prepared and a bridge is made to connect all three teeth. Floss threader is recommended to keep the area underneath the bridge clean.

Here is a short video about bridge


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Root Canal Treatment
When the nerve in the tooth goes bad, you will be in severe pain and likely have an infection too.
(Please see preventative and home care so you never hear these three words)

Here is the progression. Bacteria goes deep into the tooth and into the pulp where the nerve is. Pain and discomfort until the nerve is dead. Then surprisingly no pain. Bacteria do not go away, but keep growing. Once bacteria go out to the end of the tooth into the gum and bone area, that is where the pain is coming from. At this point, when you see me, I will give you some antibiotic and bring you back for root canal treatment. At the root canal appointment, we get your numb. We clean out the cavity and the pulp. Then we fill in the root canal system and seal the tooth.

Here is a video about root canal treatment


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Wisdom teeth and breaking down teeth along with bone graft or bone augmentation
Wisdom teeth are usually the last teeth in our mouth. When they are underneath the gum, we need to check the position to make sure they will not damage your other molars. When the wisdom teeth are partially out in the mouth, we need to clean that area very well to avoid food traps and discomfort. When the wisdom teeth are out, we need to make sure we keep them clean. Otherwise, the wisdom teeth will grow bacteria and spread to your other teeth.

Dental implant is growing in popularity. If there is only a hole or socket, there is no bone to hold onto the implant. In addition, gum and bone shrinks after extraction. This is especially important for front tooth extractions. Imagine a big gap between your restored tooth and the gum. Bone graft or bone augmentation is a solution. After the extraction, a filling material fills the socket.

Here is a short video about wisdom teeth removal


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Currently, dental implant is the closest thing to a root of a tooth. It acts similar to a screw on the wall. The crown on top of the implant is like a picture that hook on to that screw. Just like the wall and the underlying wood, the implant needs good bone to support the crown.

The interesting thing is bone will integrate with the implant, but it does take time. Just like anything in our mouth, we need to have good oral hygiene to keep those implant in place.

Here is a short video about implant. Keep in mind, each site is different. Some site allows same day treatment, but usually, this process takes places about 6 months to a year.

Having a hard time deciding a bridge or an implant. Here is a video

Another video. Implant on your back molar

Bone graft / Bone Augmentation / Socket Preservation
Implant needs enough bone. Gum disease causes bone loss. Bone in certain part of the mouth is just too thin or not ideal. Then we need to perform bone graft to fill in those area, so an implant could be placed.

After an extraction, the remaining bone and gum will shrink. With previous bone loss, the bone will not be thick enough to place a long lasting implant successfully. One solution is to add bone after the extraction to keep the level of bone. If you are thinking about implant, but do not want to do it right away.

Here is a short video about bone graft

Please consider socket preservation because subsequent bone graft will be more expensive and need even more time to heal. For example, the back teeth on the top are near the sinus. Sinus is not filled with bone. If the implant is 10 mm (just an example), but the bone is only 5 mm. Where do we get the extra bone? One solution is sinus lift. ** Warning ** This following video is graphic and may not be suitable for everyone. Basically we perform a surgery to push away the sinus and place bone. Let it heal and place implant. Let it heal and restore the implant with an implant crown. The process could take more than a year and multiple surgery, so this is why I highly recommend socket preservation.


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Emergency appointment
You waited and waited. The tooth hurt and hurt some more until you cannot stand it. Do not need to suffer. Please give us a call: 209.358.0800, so we can help to get you out of discomfort.


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Partial, stayplate, valplast, immediate dentures, dentures
There are various options to replace your missing teeth with something that you take out everyday/night.

Partials are removable appliances to replace some of your missing teeth.

A stayplate is an interim partial to replace the extracted tooth or teeth for esthetic purpose until the area heals.

Valplast does not have metal and is more flexible. However, it relies on teeth for support.

Dentures or complete dentures are removable appliances if there are no teeth on the top or the bottom arch.

Immediate denture is the denture used right after extractions of remaining teeth. Since the gum and bone shrinks after extractions, immediate dentures will need a reline to fill in the missing space.

Here is a video about partial and complete dentures


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Oral Conscious Sedation
With special permit, Dr. Eric prescribes medication to our patients who are anxious. You will still be awake while you are comfortable during dental visits. Someone needs to give you a ride though. Please let us know at the first appointment so we can arrange it for you.


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Choose Eric, for all your dental needs. Schedule your next dental appointment now.
Give us a call today, you deserve it, 209.358.0800
(Best time to reach us: 9am to 1pm, 2pm-4:30pm Monday to Thursday)

Or text us at

fill in your information and we will call you to schedule your next appointment.

A Saturday a month, Dr Tung, oral maxillofacial surgeon, will perform difficult extractions.
Please call
209.358.0800 for detail.

Eric K. Cheung D.D.S.

596 Bellevue Rd.
Atwater, CA 95301


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